Saturday, August 29, 2015

"Ms. Katie, what does silly mean?"

They loved seeing their silly faces in this picture!  Hopefully, they will remember what silly means!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Title 1/Curriculum Night Survey

Please complete the survey regarding our Title 1/Curriculum Night.  Click the link below!

Click here to complete survey

Friday, August 21, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Field Day!

Coach Cochran does an amazing job with our Field Day every year!  The Chick-fil-a cow made an appearance, there was face-painting, and we played crab soccer--the best game ever!  Plus, three of my boys were the fastest runners in their classes, and one of my girls was the second fastest in her class!!! 

I love them so!  We made lots of good memories today!  

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Career Fair

Air Traffic Controllers 

Wildlife Management Officer

Police Officers on Horseback 

They were cheering for him to go higher and higher- he obliged 😊

Aren't we adorable?!!
That robot picked up a water bottle and brought it to us- the kids were mesmerized!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Our field trip to the Orpheum was a success!

All tuckered out ☺️
"Ms. Katie, I am just gonna rest for a minute."  Two seconds later, he was out like a light!

Sweet friends

"I'm not sleepy."  ðŸ˜Š

After pointing out all the other kids who fell asleep, she conks out too!

He's not spoiled.  Not one bit. 😉

She tried to fight it...

When you're sitting in the middle, you get your sleep where you can...

The last one to fall asleep and the hardest one to wake up!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Oldies but Goodies

A is for Animal 

Character Day

T is for Tent

WSE's First Annual Walk-a-thon

Polar Express Day